AD/HD Coaching in the Portland Metro Area

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Harriet Steinberg is a Professional Certified Coach with over 24 years of experience. She works with adults, many of whom have AD/HD.

Harriet practiced nursing for several years as a Certified Case Manager. In 2000 she started her own business as Overall Organizer, where she helped organize clients at their homes or businesses. Several of her clients had AD/HD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Harriet has 6 stepchildren, 3 of whom have AD/HD. She is also the wife of a pediatrician who treats many children with AD/HD. Harriet decided to continue her education in this field. She is an associate of the Optimal Functioning Institute, a training program designed specifically to coach clients with AD/HD, and a Certified Co-Active Coach from The Coaches Institute where she is trained as a life coach.

Harriet is also a Senior Certified AD/HD Coach and a Certified Professional Organizer. She coaches individuals nationwide and in the greater Portland, Oregon area. She served as treasurer on the board of directors for the Institute for the Advancement of AD/HD Coaching. She is a member of ACO (AD/HD Coaches Organization) and the International Coach Federation. Harriet has led a women�s support group for the Portland area CHADD group and created a workshop on Life Skills for AD/HD.

Harriet graduated from Boston University with a degree in sociology and from University of Massachusetts with a bachelor's degree in nursing. After a move to Oregon she received a Masters Degree in Nursing from Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, Oregon. She has been published in Attention Magazine and has given presentations on various aspects of AD/HD to several professional organizations.

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